Thursday, July 7, 2016

Tarryall Reservoir - a 4th of July adventure

Every year a group of friends venture into the mountains, escaping the bustle and noise of the city, set up their tents and gear, and take time to enjoy nature and company.  Due to falling ill last year I was unable to attend, but grateful to rejoin the group again this year.  Chris went to college with a number of the men on the trip, partners and other friends being added over time, this being the 9th year for this trip.  Chris' friend Andy scouts for months before the Fourth of July holiday in order to find the perfect spot... below tree line, near water, no fire ban, off the beaten path, free...  We always end up at incredible places.  This year was the Tarryall Reservoir in Pike National Forest.

We arrived on Saturday to a private area, a little oasis for us to enjoy.  We got unpacked and tents set up, everyone pitched in to provide food and beverages for the weekend.  The rest of that day was spent settling in, catching up, and avoiding getting soaked from the rain.  We have yet to experience a camping trip without some rain, but it poured!  At least the rain waited until after our tent was up.  Several of the folks with us were able to put together a large tarp coverage that helped everyone to stay moderately dry.  Dinner and s'mores were shared.  Eventually the rain seemed to quiet as we made our way to our tents for the night.

Sunday was when we split off to enjoy other activities, a small group splitting off for the hiking trails (Chris, Ryan, Katie and myself, accompanied by trail puppers Rusty).  The nearest trail to the reservoir that we found was Lost Creek Wilderness Trail.  We parked and reviewed the signs posted at the parking lot that indicated the trail to be a difficult one.  Not having done any intense or extreme hikes in quite some time, I was initially very nervous.  When they say "difficult", exactly what does that mean?  I've had trails listed as "moderate" that have kicked my butt!  So how bad was a "difficult" going to be?

We crossed the creek and headed up the path.  Somehow I ended up being point. *gulp!*  Regardless, onward we hiked, chatting as we went, enjoying the sights and sounds.  The sun was out, but there were some clouds in the sky that was cause for some concern given the rain we had seen the night before.  I snapped some pictures as we went, the scenery almost too beautiful to capture on film, pictures never seeming to quite do it justice.

The first two miles of the hike actually weren't too challenging.  An occasional slight incline, but mostly a relatively easy trek.  Initially I felt that I was able to keep a good continual pace, Katie even commenting that I was a good hiker.  I felt accomplished during that moment.

At roughly the two mile mark suddenly the incline got a bit steeper.  I wasn't as ready, finding my breath a little harder to catch, my ability to chit-chat being cut off as I breathed heavier.  I kept putting one foot in front of the other, slowly, but feeling my legs start to ache more, my shoulders falling forward, my camelbak suddenly feeling uncomfortable and heavy.  I sacrificed my place at point gracefully and elected to bring up the rear, pausing to take pictures and drink water as needed in order to have excuses to stop and breathe.  My confidence started to falter, concerned that I'm not as good of a hiker as I had hoped I was.  My upcoming birthday is a day I hope to hike a fourteener (an "easy" one), and I can hardly make it a few miles up this one... I started really doubting myself while the trail continued to get harder.  One foot in front of the other, that's all you can do.

"There's only three options when on a mountain.  Go back the way you came, finish the hike, or sit on the trail and wait for someone to come get you.  Only one allows you to stop, and you might be waiting for a loooong time."  Just keep moving.

My hiking companions took the darkening clouds into consideration (and probably my incredibly slowing pace) and determined that it might be better to turn around and head back to camp, certain that the four-wheeling group and the fishing group might already be back to the site.

I must say the hike back to the car was much easier than what we had hiked up!  I felt that I was better able to keep moving, my legs not feeling as tired, my lungs not burning as much, my pace quickening again.  I found myself able to jump back into conversations again and a little more jovial.  The way there might be tough, but the way back felt easy by comparison.  

We joined the rest of our comrades back at the campsite, five and a half miles of hiking behind us.  Grateful for the hike, grateful for the company, grateful to be back to enjoy some food.

I had intentions of getting in a bunch of hiking this year, hopeful to get in roughly one hike per weekend starting in March.  I have since been trumped by poor weather and extensive school work that I hadn't anticipated and exhaustion and other obligations that have surfaced over the months.  Alas my hiking this year has been much more minimal than I had hoped.  But a hike is a hike, I'll take each one as a victory.  Any time I can escape to the mountains, enjoy the view, move my body, see the little things that so often go unappreciated during the day to day shuffle... it is an incredible gift.

My next hike:  Quandary Peak 7/11/16

1 comment:

  1. Allison, you are such a beautiful writer! You seriously have to be one of the most multi-talented people I know. I truly enjoyed hiking with you that day as well as our conversations. The funny thing is that I was totally nervous too, but we did it! One foot in front of the other. I admire you for tackling a 14er; I know you and Chris can do it!
